Competition and Consumer Protection for Universities – Australia

Course Description

This course has been tailored specially for Australian universities. It is legally comprehensive and gives practical tips on how to avoid hefty penalties and personal liability that come with breaching the Competition and Consumer Act – all explained using plain English.

Universities operate in a highly competitive market for the supply of tertiary education services to full and part-fee paying students, and students are likely to have enforceable consumer protection and other rights under the CCA.

Universities also compete for students on non-price factors and have customers through their ordinary commercial operations. The Competition and Consumer Act (CCA) applies to universities’ business activities such as dealing with suppliers, research partners and food retailers among others. The CCA also prohibits universities from engaging in anti-competitive conduct and conduct which is unfair or unconscionable.

Who is this training for?

It is important that University staff understand the requirements of the CCA and how it applies in the unique University environment.

Course Outline

  • Module 1:Introducing competition law
  • Module 2:Anti-competitive behaviour
  • Module 3:Advanced anti-competitive behaviour (part 1)
  • Module 4:Advanced anti-competitive behaviour (part 2)
  • Module 5:Product liability
  • Module 6:Advertising