Mental Health in the Workplace

Course Description

Mental Health in the Workplace

Understanding mental health for our professional and personal lives

1 in 5 Australians will experience a mental health condition in any year. 45% of Australians aged between 18 and 85 will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. Mental health issues can impact our workplaces, and our workplaces can likewise impact people’s mental health.

The World Health Organisation offers a definition of mental health as a state of wellbeing in which we can realise our own abilities, work productively and contribute to our communities. While experiencing stress and a range of emotions are normal, there are times when we may find it difficult to shift out of a low mood or cope with regular stresses – and this may indicate the presence of mental health issues or a diagnosable condition.

Wherever we work, mental health is something we must prioritise and value. Employers are required to actively manage health and safety risks in the workplace. In some states and territories, this includes risks to mental health as well as physical health.

GRC Solutions offers this fully customisable course on Mental Health on the Workplace to help individuals understand and identify common mental health issues, to provide support to co-workers who may be experiencing mental health issues and to play their part in breaking down stigmas surrounding mental health.

Who is this training for?

This module is designed to be accessible for anyone in an organisation.

Mental health is important, no matter your role.

Course Outline

  • Defining mental health
  • Effects of poor mental health for individuals and society
  • Signs of mental health issues
  • Supporting people
  • Building a mentally healthy workplace